- Created: 20 August 2013
- Updated: 27 May 2021
- Published: 20 August 2013
- Hits: 5336
Roanoke Park Conservancy Endorses Ecological Restoration Master Plan
The original Roanoke Park Master Plan was endorsed by KCMO Parks and Recreation on October 26, 2011. Now we are pleased to announce that the Roanoke Park Conservancy Board this month approved a document detailing progress thus far and adding a great deal of detail to the PLANS. This puts us even closer to achieving the goals of the Master Plan. Continue reading to see how you can get a copy of the Roanoke Park Master Plan Progress Report including an Ecological Restoration Master Plan.
The Master Plan is the guiding document used by the KCMO Parks Department and the Roanoke Park Conservancy Board in bringing new activities, amenities and capital improvements to the park. The new Progress Report includes capital accomplishments to date made possible by PIAC grants and private donations, projects already under contract, and future plans awaiting funding.
AND, the Progress Report includes an ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION MASTER PLAN for all the Park's treasured woods. This restoration plan fleshes out goals contained in the 2011 Master Plan and envisions a ten-year restoration of the park's woods, glades and springs to the "bit of wilderness" described in 1907. The 28 page report is available for download from this website.
LET'S TALK: Click either image, above or below, to download the 2013 Progress Report and Ecological Restoration Master Plan. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to talk all things Nature with volunteer naturalist Chris DeLong.
“Yesterday afternoon my family walked the (Roanoke Park) trails for the better part of two hours. We had a blast. Here we sit minutes from downtown but also just a few hundred yards from an incredible nature escape. Thank you.”
—Brandon Boulware, May 27, 2013